
Book Alibi

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Ewa-a-nie-chce-spac's avatar

Literature Text


Something popples - it's the waters of many seas
of various "maybe", numerous as water drops
transitory as these little fellows,
when the historical Sun blisters,
durable as them,
when the historical star gets cold.

The paradox of "maybe"
can't progress further,
to the places unreached by the thread of popularity:
Mickiewicz, Mrożek -
they are - without any doubt - the sources
of parakubrickal shining;
even Rodziewiczówna with Orzeszkowa
are ruled by silver sparkles,
almost like at Literary Firmament King's place.

And maybe "maybe" is a feeble alibi?
In the end books weren't constituted to do something more.
The seal of the impermamence of carrying informations
and of the artism from yellowed years was affixed to them,
and now they stick between two desks,
„Maybe one day some eccentric will be looking for me…
or maybe some researcher of forgotten content will be doing so?
And maybe the small sad people, looking for the novel of their childhood, will appear??
Everybody will nest themselves in despair,
when they won't find me”.

I'm able to undestand yet
Hoffmanowa born Tańska,
unremembered creatures of Kraszewski,
or the shining - like the small Amazon frogs
with the strawberriness of colors -
collections of Kolberg…
but what should we do with books like harlequins,
like the soap music streaming from the scene,
or with the worst spewings of the red authors?
How we should sheathe them?

And the paper glued between cardboard,
telling smartly about pedagogy,
pretends that its nose dons glasses,
and then it speaks:
„Familiar spirits should be regarded,
because not raised they'll cause more harm
than avail”.

The old paper is right -
and that's the reason, why I'll sheathe it.


Wody się przelewają wielu mórz
„może” przeróżnych, licznych jak wody krople,
tak samo ulotnych,
gdy słońce historii przypiecze,
tak samo trwałych,
gdy gwiazda dziejów ostygnie.

Paradoks „może”
nie może posunąć się dalej
niż sięga nitka popularności:
Mickiewicz, Mrożek -
to bez wątpienia źródła lśnienia
nawet Rodziewiczówna z Orzeszkową
są we władaniu srebrnych iskierek,
prawie jak u Króla Literackiego Firmamentu.

A może „może” to nikłe alibi?
Książki wszak na więcej nie zostały powołane.
Przypieczętowane nietrwałością noszenia informacji
oraz artyzmu z przeżółconych lat
tkwią między dwiema deskami,
„Może kiedyś jakiś ekscentryk będzie mnie szukał…
lub jakiś badacz zapomnianych treści?
A może ludkowie tęskniący za powieściami dzieciństwa?
Wszyscy zagnieżdżą się w rozpaczy,
gdy mnie nie znajdą”.

Rozumiem jeszcze
z Tańskich Hoffmanową,
niepamiętane stwory Kraszewskiego
czy też błyskające się jak amazońskie żabki
truskowatością barw
zbiory Kolberga…
lecz książki niby arlekiny,
mydlana muzyka płynąca ze sceny
czy najgorsze wypluciny czerwonych autorów?
Jakże to chować?

A papier sklejony między tekturą,
traktujący uczenie o chowannie,
udaje, że jego nos przywdziewa okulary,
po czym rzecze:
„Chowańce winno się mieć na baczeniu,
gdyż niepochowane przyniosą więcej szkód
aniżeli pożytku”.

Stare papierzysko ma rację -
i dlatego je pochowam.
I wrote this poem a week ago, during break in my volunteer work at library. The librarians have to - inter alia - throw away books, which are destroyed, without current informations or if they weren't borrowed by anyone for many years. I was feeling a bit sad during such work and sometimes I was looking (only in my mind) for excuses for keeping books in the library - and they were similar to the ones described by me in the book temptations.
Important issue: in the Polish original of this poem I was playing with words: the Polish word for "sea" ("morze") sounds the same as the Polish word for "maybe" ("może"). Besides, the Polish words "chowanna" (very, very, very old-fashioned word for "pedagogy") and "chowaniec" ("familiar spirit") descend from the word "chować" ("to raise"/"to hide"/"to sheathe"). Unfortunately these word plays were lost in the translation.

Other informations:
Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855)… was a Polish poet of Romanticism, probably the most importand and most influental poet in Polish history.
Sławomir Mrożek (1930-2013)… was a Polish writer of contemporary times, known mostly for his grotesque works.
Maria Rodziewiczówna (1863-1944)… was a Polish writer, whose "works often idealized rural life and praised the countryside and peasantry", as Wikipedia smartly says ;)
Eliza Orzeszkowa (1841-1910)… was a Polish writer, known mostly from her book "Nad Niemnem", which also was idealizing rural life ;)
Klementyna Hoffmanowa born Tańska (1798-1845)… was the first Polish writer, who was mindfully writing for children and teenagers; she was very popular, but now she's deeply forgotten. However, I found one of her books in the library and I'm a bit sad that maybe one day it will be thrown away too.
Józef Ignacy Kraszewski (1812-1887)… a Polish writer of mostly historical novels. In the end he wrote about 200 novels.
Oskar Kolberg (1814-1890)… was a Polish ethnographer, who was collecting the songs and traditions (literary everything) of Polish folk. His collections were never fully published... yet.
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VickyFritz58's avatar
Lovely short story i enjoy. (Which of those books did you already read? How are they written, and would be recommendable?) 

Bytheway, there even exist special archives, about Literature Archives, where older books and any connected with writers can be taken to there. Germany has some of those archives . Like this: "Deutsches Literaturarchiv", including Literature from all Germany!  Other archives about certain writers themselfs exist too! Someday i need to visit at least some of these Archives .....

Maybe such archives exist in your country too? Then the people from the Library should maybe try such instead of throwing books away. ^^